Looking for HS Biology and Earth Science Teachers!

Zoom In! is an online curriculum platform designed to develop students' evidence-based thinking skills and support students in analyzing and interpreting data as they build their understanding of key Earth Science and Biology concepts.

The Zoom In! project is looking for high school science teachers with at least two years of experience who teach about plate tectonics, climate, or evolution during the course of their regular curriculum to test out Zoom In! with one class of students. The study will begin in November. Participating teachers will use the digital tools, pilot one curriculum module (3-5 class periods), and provide feedback to researchers through interviews. Researchers will also observe 2-3 classes while students are using the tools.

Help inform our work! Learn more and/or sign up to participate by contacting Elana Blinder at zisci@edc.org or 212-807-4211.

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