
Preparing Students for a Data-Rich World

This slide deck was presented at East Bay Educational Collaborative Professional Development Center in Warren, Rhode Island on April 12, 2016 where Ruth Krumhansl was a guest speaker. In addition to this presentation, Ruth also led several workshops on EDC Earth Science. The audience was about 45 teachers from all across New England.

Learn more about the workshop.

Visualizing Oceans of Data: Ocean Tracks – A Case Study

In 2013, the Oceans of Data Institute (ODI) released Visualizing Oceans of Data: Educational Interface Design report, which offers a set of guidelines for designing interactive tools to engage students with data. ODI applied these guidelines during the development of Ocean Tracks, an online interface that enables students to explor

Big Data, Big Promise

Ruth Krumhansl, Founder of the Oceans of Data Institute (ODI), describes all the ways big data is changing lives today, the challenges that big data brings, and why ODI is working to transform education to include more data-relevant instruction.

"Data will be part of [student's] future and it should be part of their instruction too".


Ocean Tracks Interface

This program is developing and classroom testing a Web interface and data analysis tools that engage students in scientific investigations using data from the Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) Program, NOAA’s Drifter Program, and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.

Other Worlds/Other Earths Curriculum Activities

EDC worked with the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to create an engaging set of curriculum activities that involve students in using data encoded in the light from distant stars to search for exoplanets and possible life beyond Earth.

The Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP)

In collaboration with Concord Consortium and the University of Minnesota, EDC's Oceans of Data Institute is developing and classroom-testing an online, open-source data analysis platform that can be used in conjunction with a variety of data types and curricula. CODAP is geared toward middle and high school students. It can help students visualize and interpret data, and make evidence-based claims from the data.

Go to CODAP.

Data-Enhanced Investigations in Climate Change Education (DICCE)

The project team has developed supports to allow high school teachers and students to access and use climate-related data from the Goddard Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Intrastructure (GIOVANNI) data portal.

Ocean Tracks: High School Learning Modules

Ocean Tracks: Investigating Marine Migrations in a Changing Ocean has piloted several models of curriculum supports to guide student work with data regarding the movements of marine animals and relate these movements to physical oceanographic measurements such as sea surface temperature, chlorophyll, currents and human impacts....

Using Online Telescopes to Explore Exoplanets from the Physics Classroom

Thanks to the development of online telescopes, students can detect more than a dozen of the known exoplanets from the classroom, using data they gather, assess, and interpret for themselves. This program presents a suite of activities in which students apply basic physics concepts to their investigations of exoplanets....

EDC Earth Science

EDC Earth Science takes students on an exploration of these questions and others, seeking answers grounded in authentic data and the growing body of knowledge about Earth’s systems....


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